Get Connected
To obtain the API Key and version, follow these steps:
Login to your Pepperjam Brand account
Access Resources > API Keys
Generate New Key
Copy the Key + version
The PID field is located in the upper right-hand corner of your Pepperjam dashboard, near your account name.
UTM Setup
A Tracking Parameter is a snippet of code that you can add to the end of a URL to track the performance of campaigns and content. By using Triple Whale's custom Tracking Parameters in your Pepperjam Ads account, each visitor will be informing our Pixel exactly which ad they just clicked on before arriving at your store.
Open your Pepperjam Ads Campaign Manager.
Navigate to the creative section and click the Edit button on the creative you want to track.
Update the UTM Parameters field by appending the following tracking parameters:
Click Apply to all ads to apply the changes to the selected ads, then click Save.
Data Library
Once you are connected, Impact Radius data will start to import into your Triple Whale Dashboard. Head over to the Summary dashboard to track your most important metrics. You should see this section:
Additionally, Pepperjam Spend will now be included in your Net Profit calculation:
Pepperjam Attribution
Once you've connected your Pepperjam account, you will be able to access a rich collection of metrics and pre-built dashboards across Triple Whale. Unlock new insights and optimize your paid strategy using the Pepperjam Attribution dashboard:
Frequently Asked Questions
I was using Affluencer Hub to track my Impact data. How will that work now?
On the pixel page, orders that were attributed to the Affluencer Hub before you connect the integration, will remain attributed to Affluencer hub.
As soon as your Pepperjam UTMs are setup and the integration is connected to Triple Whale, data moving forward will be attributed properly to Pepperjam and the publishers you work with under the Impact source in the Pixel page.
On the summary page, Pepperjam data will be available for all data historically.