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ShipBob Integration

Connect ShipBob and accurately track your Net Profit while watching your most important shipping metrics

Andrea avatar
Written by Andrea
Updated over 8 months ago


ShipBob is a global omni-fulfillment solution trusted by thousands of brands to seamlessly fulfill orders around the globe. Connecting Triple Whale and ShipBob will allow you to get an accurate net profit on Triple Whale, and watch your most important shipping metrics.

Get Connected

A brief walkthrough video of connecting ShipBob to Triple Whale.

To set up your integrations, head to Settings > Integrations.

Locate ShipBob and click Connect. You will be redirected to ShipBob. Continue the authorization flow and click Allow & install to approve the integration.

Once you are redirected back to Triple Whale, your data will be imported from ShipBob.

By default, the shipping costs are calculated according to the Label Date, the date when the shipment label was created. You can also change the settings such that the shipping cost will be calculated according to the Order Date.

  • Example: An order was placed on January 1st, but the shipping label was created on January 2nd. If Order Date is selected, the shipping cost for that order would be displayed in Triple Whale as January 1; if Label Date is selected, the shipping cost would be displayed on January 2.

To make this selection, head to the Integrations page. Next to ShipBob, click Manage.

Data Library

Once you've connected your ShipBob account, you will be able to access a collection of key metrics on the Summary page.

Your shipping costs will also be included within your Net Profit calculation:

Estimate Cost of Unfulfilled Orders

Since it takes some time for shipments to be processed by ShipBob, Triple Whale will also provide you with an estimated cost for orders that have not yet been fulfilled. To enable this estimation on the Summary page, navigate to the Cost Settings page, and under Shipping, add your flat costs per country or order:

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