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Installing Triple Pixel for Founders Dash
Installing Triple Pixel for Founders Dash

Install the Pixel to power your Post-Purchase Survey and Web Analytics from your dashboard.

Chaim Davies avatar
Written by Chaim Davies
Updated over a week ago

How Do I Install the Pixel?

A. For Shopify Implementation

The pixel needs to be implemented in 2 places:

1. On all layouts:

  • Copy the Pixel Layout Snippet and log into your Shopify account.

  • Go to: Sales channel, Online store > Themes > Actions > Edit Code

  • Paste it on all layouts within all the 'head' tags, preferably at the beginning of the heads. The pixel will be most effective if it's the first in the head section.

  • "Checkout.liquid" layout doesn't need the pixel installed.

Pixel Installation Instructions

2. On the Thank You page:

Scroll down to the bottom of the page where it says "Order status page, Additional Scripts" and paste the script, preferably at the top.

3. On the Post-purchase page (Upsells):

If you have a post-purchase app that uses Shopify's Upsell page, you will have the "Post-purchase page" section on the Settings > Checkout page.

  • Copy the Upsell page pixel script and log in to your Shopify account.

  • Go to: Settings > Checkout

Scroll down to the bottom of the page where it says "Post-purchase page, Additional Scripts" and paste the Post-purchase Upsell Snippet, preferably at the top.

B. For Google Tag Manager Implementation

โ€‹Step 1: ALL page views

  1. Create a new tag

  2. Choose "Custom HTML"

  3. Paste the Triple Pixel HTML (double-check that the code begins with <script> and ends with </script>)

  4. Choose "All Page Views" trigger

  5. Name Tag and Save

Step 2: Thank you page

  1. Create a new tag

  2. Choose "Custom HTML"

  3. Paste the Triple Pixel Thank You Snippet (double-check that the code begins with <script> and ends with </script>)

  4. Choose a page view trigger that fires when the customer lands on your thank you page

  5. Name Tag and Save

Step 3: Edit the Additional Scripts section of your Shopify settings

โ€‹Option 1 (recommended): Place the Triple Pixel Thank You snippet of code in the Additional Scripts section found in your shopify store settings (settings > Checkout > order status page)

โ€‹Option 2: Place your Google Tag Manager script that fires the "Thank You" snippet from step 2 in the additional scripts section (Found by visiting Settings > Checkout > Order Status Page)

Found by visiting Settings &gt; Checkout &gt; Order Status Page

C. For External Extension Apps Users

If you use any extension apps, please manually embed the pixel snippet in your extension app, preferably as high as possible within the 'head' of the page. Please take a look at the Headless instructions for details.


Pixel Layout Snippet

Replace <TRIPLE_NAME> with your MyShopify domain.

window.TriplePixelData={TripleName:"<TRIPLE_NAME>",ver:"1.9.0"},function(W,H,A,L,E,_,B,N){function O(U,T,P,H,R){void 0===R&&(R=!1),H=new XMLHttpRequest,P?("POST",U,!0),H.setRequestHeader("Content-Type","application/json"))"GET",U,!0),H.send(JSON.stringify(P||{})),H.onreadystatechange=function(){4===H.readyState&&200===H.status?(R=H.responseText,U.includes(".txt")?eval(R):P||(N[B]=R)):(299<H.status||H.status<200)&&T&&!R&&(R=!0,O(U,T-1))}}if(N=window,!N[H+"sn"]){N[H+"sn"]=1;try{A.setItem(H,1+(0|A.getItem(H)||0)),(E=JSON.parse(A.getItem(H+"U")||"[]")).push(location.href),A.setItem(H+"U",JSON.stringify(E))}catch(e){}var i,m,p;A.getItem('"!nC\`')||(_=A,A=N,A[H]||(L=function(){return"_"+Math.random().toString(36)},E=A[H]=function(t,e){return"State"==t?E.s:(W=L(),(E._q=E._q||[]).push([W,t,e]),W)},E.s="Installed",E._q=[],,B="configSecurityConfModel",N[B]=1,O("",5),i=L(),m=A[atob("c2NyZWVu")],_.setItem("di_pmt_wt",i),p={id:i,action:"profile",avatar:_.getItem("auth-security_rand_salt_"),time:m[atob("d2lkdGg=")]+":"+m[atob("aGVpZ2h0")],host:A.TriplePixelData.TripleName,url:window.location.href,ref:document.referrer,ver:window.TriplePixelData.ver},O("",5,p),O("",5)))}}("","TriplePixel",localStorage);

Pixel Thank You Snippet

<script src=''></script>

Pixel Post-purchase Upsell Snippet

Replace <TRIPLE_NAME> with your MyShopify domain.

<link rel='preconnect dns-prefetch' href='' crossorigin />
<link rel='preconnect dns-prefetch' href='' crossorigin />
<link rel='preconnect dns-prefetch' href='' crossorigin />

/* >> TriplePixel :: start*/
window.TriplePixelData={TripleName:"<TRIPLE_NAME>",ver:"1.9.0"},function(W,H,A,L,E,_,B,N){function O(U,T,P,H,R){void 0===R&&(R=!1),H=new XMLHttpRequest,P?("POST",U,!0),H.setRequestHeader("Content-Type","application/json"))"GET",U,!0),H.send(JSON.stringify(P||{})),H.onreadystatechange=function(){4===H.readyState&&200===H.status?(R=H.responseText,U.includes(".txt")?eval(R):P||(N[B]=R)):(299<H.status||H.status<200)&&T&&!R&&(R=!0,O(U,T-1))}}if(N=window,!N[H+"sn"]){N[H+"sn"]=1;try{A.setItem(H,1+(0|A.getItem(H)||0)),(E=JSON.parse(A.getItem(H+"U")||"[]")).push(location.href),A.setItem(H+"U",JSON.stringify(E))}catch(e){}var i,m,p;A.getItem('"!nC\`')||(_=A,A=N,A[H]||(L=function(){return"_"+Math.random().toString(36)},E=A[H]=function(t,e){return"State"==t?E.s:(W=L(),(E._q=E._q||[]).push([W,t,e]),W)},E.s="Installed",E._q=[],,B="configSecurityConfModel",N[B]=1,O("",5),i=L(),m=A[atob("c2NyZWVu")],_.setItem("di_pmt_wt",i),p={id:i,action:"profile",avatar:_.getItem("auth-security_rand_salt_"),time:m[atob("d2lkdGg=")]+":"+m[atob("aGVpZ2h0")],host:A.TriplePixelData.TripleName,url:window.location.href,ref:document.referrer,ver:window.TriplePixelData.ver},O("",5,p),O("",5)))}}("","TriplePixel",localStorage);
/* << TriplePixel :: end*/

~function TP(){
const email = window.Shopify?.order?.customer?.email;
if(!email||!window.TriplePixel){setTimeout(TP, 400); return;}
TriplePixel('Contact', {email:email});

Contact with any questions.

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