Triple Whale's Web Analytics is a powerful feature that uses the data from our existing Pixel product to provide detailed and insightful reporting of web metrics. This feature eliminates the need for other tools like Google Analytics by delivering the same functionalities within our platform.
Founders Dash
Within your Dash, you'll find a new Web Analytics section. Here you'll discover a range of metrics to help you evaluate your website's performance:
Conversion rate
Pages per session
Session duration
Bounce rate
New Users
New Users %
Metrics Definitions
To help you better understand and leverage these metrics, here are their definitions and how they are calculated:
Sessions - The total number of sessions.
Users - The total number of unique visitors.
New Users - The total number of new visitors.
Conversion Rate - The total number of Purchases divided by Sessions
The previous definition used Unique Visitors instead of Sessions.
Bounce Rate - The total number of Bounced Sessions divided by all Sessions.
Single-page sessions are considered to be bounced.
Avg time per Session - The total Time for non-bounced Sessions divided by the Count of non-bounced Sessions.
Understanding Session Definition
A Session in our platform refers to any visit from a Direct, Referral, or UTM source that expires 30 minutes after the last page view.
Contact with any questions.