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Can I track Subscription Order Tags?
Can I track Subscription Order Tags?

Track and attribute recurring orders and revenue by Order Tags in Triple Whale.

Chaim Davies avatar
Written by Chaim Davies
Updated over 8 months ago

If your business offers subscriptions and you'd like to track and attribute recurring orders in Triple Whale, you're in luck. You can keep an eye on your subscription revenue through Order Tags in Pixel Settings.

Pixel Settings: Subscription Order Tags

  1. First, navigate to Pixel → Pixel Settings in the left-hand sub-menu

  2. Scroll down to the Subscription Orders section

  3. Confirm that the pre-populated order tags for First Order Subscription Purchases and Recurring Subscription Purchases are correct

  4. For any additional tags, click the “+” symbol to add them

    1. This will be used strictly for filtering purposes in the attribution table

Pixel Attribution: Subscription Filters

We’ve made filtering out subscription orders from your pixel table easier than ever. Why would you want to do this?

  • You only want to see first-time subscription orders attributed by source

    • Often times, recurring subscription orders can over-inflate performance marketing channel performance

  • You want to see the differences in ROAS and Conversion Value when subscription orders are included vs excluded

    • Answers: How much value is related to subscription orders vs one-off purchases?

  1. Navigate to the cog icon in the upper right of your pixel table

  2. Select the “Subscription Filter” dropdown

    1. By default, all filter settings will be toggled on, which is the default state of Triple Pixel (attribute all of your orders)

  3. Toggling any of these settings off will refresh your pixel table to reflect your decision to exclude first-time subscription orders, recurring order subscriptions or both

    1. Anytime a toggle has been turned off, thus applying a change to your pixel page, an orange dot will appear over the cog setting icon

NOTE: If you use Recharge for subscription operations, check out the Knowledge Base article on our Recharge integration here.

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