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Managing Multiple Shops: Pods View
Managing Multiple Shops: Pods View

Helping you swim from store to store seamlessly. 🐳

Maggie avatar
Written by Maggie
Updated over a week ago


If you're managing multiple shop accounts in Triple Whale, you can access a high-level roll-up of each shop's top metrics in a single dashboard, aggregate their metrics, and navigate shop settings with ease. Allow me to introduce you to the Pods View.


The Pods View is where you will be able to see all the stores your account has access to, as well as a general overview of their top metrics.

At the top of your screen, you will see a number of options:

  • Pod Name

  • Search bar -- if you have many shops using Triple Whale, the search helps you quickly jump to the right one

  • Date selector -- select your desired date ranges for all reported metrics on the page

  • Select store dropdown - select which stores are included in the Blended metrics

  • Settings Icon - this will bring you to your Pod Settings

  • Add New Shop ( the + button) - click here to create a subscription for a new shop joining Triple Whale.

To access a shop's specific Triple Whale dashboard from your Pods View, simply, click the name of the shop.

Blended Metrics

The Blended Metrics at the top of your page shows you aggregated data for all of your stores. This can be helpful in a few ways:

  1. If you work at a marketing agency and want to see your Blended ROAS, Ad Spend, or Order Revenue for all stores that you manage in your Pod.

  2. If you run an international brand with separate Shop URLs for your UK shop, US shop and Canadian shop (for example), you can blend all that data here.

Selecting the Metrics for each Store

Click the Add Metrics button right-hand corner of the desired store to pull up the full list of metrics available for that store.

Select the metrics you want to see for that shop on the Pods page.

Click the "Submit" button and your metrics will save. Proceed to do this for all of the stores in your Pod.

Pod Settings

To manage settings for your entire Pod, click the Settings button in the upper-right corner. Here you can manage user access to your Pod, rename your Pod, set a standard currency view across all included shops, and access shop-specific settings as well.

Add a User to Pod

To add a user to your entire Pod from your Pod Settings page, simply enter the email address of the team member to send them an invite. Once they accept the invite, they will have access to all shops within the pod.

NOTE: Adding a user to your Pod will automatically give them admin access to all of the shops managed by your Pod. Anyone invited to the Pod will be granted Admin access to all shops. If you would like to only provide standard User permissions, you will need to add them on a per-shop basis.

Access Shop-Specific Settings

You can also navigate to shop-specific settings from your Pods View, such as managing that shop's subscription, adding users to that shop, or accessing past invoices.

Simply click the Settings icon next to the desired shop, and you will be taken to that shop's Settings.

Any questions? Reach out to our Customer Success team and they will be more than happy to help out 🐳

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