New User Interface
Andrea avatar
Written by Andrea
Updated over a week ago


We’re happy to announce the launch of a new user interface to Triple Whale!

Our team created a design focused on easing the learning curve of our features. Triple Whale still feels familiar, with consistent elements on each page that meet with user expectations.

What does this redesign really mean? Less clutter and distractions. More intuitive navigation, succinct labels, and cohesive elements.

What exactly has changed?

1. Pods view has moved

Users with multiple stores (i.e., brands operating in multiple countries, agencies, or rollups) benefit from the Pods View, which is where you can see metrics for your entire portfolio of stores.

Some users had difficulty figuring out how to access the pods view, and others had difficulty figuring out how to leave the pods view and return to the rest of Triple Whale.

We've solved both of these problems by: (i) moving access to the pods view to be immediately visible without having to dig around, and (ii) providing a clear way to leave the pods view and return to the rest of TW.

2. Quick access for changing stores

Similarly, for users with multiple stores we've made it much easier and faster for user to switch between stores.

3. Centralized settings

Previously settings were scattered across the app. Now all of the various settings in Triple Whale have been gathered into one place.

4. Additional resources

We added an area to provide visibility into the resources that Triple Whale makes available around the product. These include:

  1. Our mobile app - enables you to keep your finger on the pulse of your business wherever you go

  2. Our knowledge base - provides all the info you might need to know about how to use Triple Whale

  3. Narwhal Nation - our private, peer to peer Slack community of thousands of DTC operators and marketers

  4. Our referral program - earn money by spreading the gift of Whale to your friends

5. More hierarchy, more workspace (no right hand sidebar)

Previously some navigation was located on the left side of the screen and some on the right. We've now consolidated all navigation to the left side of the screen, which has two positive consequences.

  • First, there is a clear flow of hierarchy from left to right

  • Second, more of the screen is available for work space

6. Explanation of attribution models

One of the most common questions we get is about the use case for the various attribution models that we offer. We've now pre-empted those questions by articulating the who, when, and why of each attribution model.

7. New color palette

This release also features a more thoughtful use of color:

  • Light mode is now thoroughly light, whereas previously it was a mixture of light and dark

  • Dark mode is now dark grey, whereas before it was blue (and thus competing for attention with content)

  • We are now reserving blue for elements that are clickable

8. Creative Cockpit has moved under Pixel

Previously Creative Cockpit occupied an independent spot in the top level navigation, despite the fact that Creative Analysis is tightly linked with media buying. Now Creative Cockpit has been moved under the Pixel to reflect this association.

9. New top level navbar item "Ops"

We've added a new item to the top level navigation called "Ops" (short for operations). We've taken three tools from the "Insights" section of the app and moved them into Ops. Namely:

  1. Product Analytics

  2. Product Journeys

  3. Cart Analysis

10. Insights has been renamed to "Retention"

The "Insights" section of the app has been renamed to "Retention" to reflect the common theme of the remaining tools in that section.

11. Easier to create custom metrics

You can create custom metrics in Triple Whale, but it wasn't obvious to some users how to do so. Thus, we made the process of creating custom metrics a bit more intuitive.

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