How the Triple Pixel WorksThe Triple Pixel is our attribution solution in a post-iOS 14 world. Learn how we're revolutionizing media buying with the Triple Pixel.
Web Analytics
Analyze Creative Performance with Creative CockpitArm your creative team with mission-critical creative instruments and insights to scale your creative to the moon!
The Total Impact Attribution ModelHow to utilize first-party data, zero-party data & AI to visualize the weighted success of your marketing content on your overall revenue.
Meta Conversion Lift ExperimentHow Conversion Lift studies work, how to create an experiment, and how to interpret the incrementality results
Customizing Your Attribution DashboardStay goal-focused by customizing the columns you use on your Attribution Dashboard
Assigning Custom Expenses to Non-Integrated ChannelsEasily monitor your return on investment from any marketing channel by mapping a custom expense to specific tracked traffic data
Traffic Rules for Triple PixelOverride attribution logic with custom rules.
Track Affiliate & Influencer Revenue with Affluencer HubRemove uncertainty from your affluencer marketing by tracking revenue better than ever.
Post-Purchase Survey for Shopify StoresImprove your attribution with zero-party data captured directly from your customers
Subscription Analytics for Shopify Stores
Post-Purchase Survey for Woocommerce StoresImprove your attribution with zero-party data captured directly from your customers
Post-Purchase Survey for BigCommerce StoresImprove your attribution with zero-party data captured directly from your customers
Multi-Shop AttributionCombine attribution data from multiple shops in Triple Whale for unified reporting