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Dashboard Guides
Learn from your most valuable cohorts, capitalize on the average time between order, maximize customer lifetime value, and so much more.
Filter Data on the Summary DashboardCreate data filters to segment your Shopify and Ad Integration data on your Summary Dashboard.
Intro to Dashboards
Discover in-depth analytics and insights Triple Whale Reports
Editing a Custom DashboardPersonalize your custom dashboards to better reflect your team's reporting needs
Create a Custom DashboardTailor Your Insights: How to Create a Custom Dashboard in Triple Whale
Sharing a DashboardShare your custom dashboard with teammates to ensure everyone stays informed and aligned on key business metrics
How the Triple Pixel WorksThe Triple Pixel is our attribution solution in a post-iOS 14 world. Learn how we're revolutionizing media buying with the Triple Pixel.
Web Analytics
Analyze Creative Performance with Creative CockpitArm your creative team with mission-critical creative instruments and insights to scale your creative to the moon!
The Total Impact Attribution ModelHow to utilize first-party data, zero-party data & AI to visualize the weighted success of your marketing content on your overall revenue.
Customer SegmentationLeveraging Customer Segmentation to create tailored customer segments for smarter marketing
Customer CohortsTracking the LTV within cohorts of your marketing channels is vital for making informed ad spend decisions for your company.
Product AnalyticsMake better merchandising decisions with product analytics
Cart AnalysisBy understanding which products are bought together most frequently, you can optimize your upsells, cross-sales, and product promotions.
Managing Ads with Triple Whale
Edit budgets and turn on/off active campaigns directly from the Triple Whale UI
TikTok Ads Budget AllocationsSeamlessly manage and optimize your TikTok Ads budgets directly within Triple Whale
Adjusting Google Ads Budget AllocationsSeamlessly manage and optimize your Google Ads budgets directly within Triple Whale
Snapchat Ads Budget AllocationsSeamlessly manage and optimize your Snapchat Ads budgets directly within Triple Whale
Adjusting Meta Ads BudgetsSeamlessly manage and optimize your Meta Ads budgets directly within Triple Whale
Adjusting Pinterest Ads Budget AllocationsSeamlessly manage and optimize your Pinterest Ads budgets directly within Triple Whale